Curious about the title? Today was...odd....starting with pedicures, then pictures, and ending in pouring rain and a lot of VERY loud thunder. (Which really scared my small six-year-old sister.) Odd string of events? Yes. Reason? Kind of.
Pouring Rain (very pretty!) |
Let's start at the beginning: pedicures. My mother's wedding is in about a week, (and I'm the maid of honor) so she, her mother, and I all went out to get our toe nails done to match the dresses. I got a bright orange (I normally go with neon blue, but...unfortunaly doesn't match the orange and green theme....), and Mom a dark orange. Her mother got a silver (to match her shoes). Massages felt great! My grandmother had fun when the man working on her drew lotion smiley faces on her feet. I found it highly amusing! The best part, however, was the hot towels! Don't get me wrong, I very rarely get pampered like that! But, this is the first time EVER that I've had the hot towel treatment...OMG! IT WAS AMAZING!
When we got home, it was (according to my grandparetns) chilly (even though it was, like, 70!), so, even though we had talked about going to the beach, we didn't. So, I started painting. Well....technically I
continued painting. I have one here that I've been working on for a week, and I did some finishing touches on it. (Still not done...some lose ends...or...paint "mishaps" to fix...) While my sister used crayons in a coloring book. (When she wasn't playing Nintendogs on my DS.)
Red nail polish...not my style! |
We almost had our grandparents convinced to take us to the beach...until it starting raining, no, POURING! Big thunder storm, lots of way were we swimming in that! Plus, the roads were getting filled up with water, hence, were difficult to drive on. Oh ocean for me. But I do love listening to the rain...and I guess today actually turned out good. =)
Thanks for putting up with my random blather today!
(The Daily Blahgger)
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