The Daily Blahgger

 Hannah Haugen

Heyoooo! You have stumbled upon my profile. :) Or you came here on purpose....Either way, you're awesome and have found yourself in a rather funny place where you can learn about me!!!! Hahaha! LUCKY YOU, RIGHT???

So, kick of your shoes, dump out the sand, and take a load off as you scroll through my awesomeness. :)
This is from my trip to Belize, which I'll probably talk about later.
Yes, I like loud socks. Get over it. XD

For starters, I'm currently 24 years of age. I work as a cashier and head merchandiser of a local pharmacy, and will be going back to college for my RN starting in January. 

I have this problem that I'm a bit of a dreamer, though. I mean, not that I'm NOT going to work hard for what I want in life. I just have so many ideas that I can't handle it. So many dreams. I love music and singing and whatnot. One of my impossible dreams is to get just ONE of my songs published. I know what music does to me. I think a lot
when I listen to it and it tends to bring me a lot of comfort. I'm a lyrics person. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely ADORE everything about music and songs, but it's almost ALWAYS going to be the lyrics that make or break a song for me. It tends to be my saving grace a lot of the time.

I'm the kind of person whose mood can be determined by the song on my iPod and whose emotions will flip a coin as the songs change. But one of the most important things to me about music is that it gives me this feeling of connection, I guess. It helps me to remember (and I find quite a bit of comfort in this) that all of my problems have been, are being, and will be endured by other people just like me. It makes me feel so much less alone in the world when things sink to the
lowest of the low in my life. And music has DEFINITELY saved my life many times over. So, that's why my impossible dream is getting at least one song of mine published. I want to let people know that with ever bit of laughter, anger, frustration, depression, love, sense of loneliness, failure, tear, and any other thing you could possibly think of...I want to remind them they aren't alone and maybe end up saving them from themselves.

Now, I like most types of music and I consider myself a rather musical type of person. I'm kind of okay at piano and can play simple things on a guitar. I LOVE singing. But I also play the trumpet. I've been playing it since the summer before fifth grade, so it's been a rather large part of my life for a very long time. One of my favorite things to do with my playing, though, was
Me at Homecoming sophomore year
marching band. I'd been marching from freshman year of high school, but at that school (which was in the town that I grew up in from the age of two) we only marched twice a year: at the Corn Days parade (a VERY big thing for our communities) and at Homecoming. I mean, I had fun and one of my best friends was in the band with me. We'd practice marching the week before the parade for a few hours at what we called "band camp." (Though, compared to band camp during junior and senior year of high school, it was NOTHING.)  Then we'd practice during class and for an hour before school the week before the Homecoming game. It was brutal. It was cold and often times raining and we'd get out RIGHT before class started. Yea. That was not a fun week. My freshman year I got sick and it felt like every time I inhaled zillions of little ice needles were attacking my lungs. I spent the show pretending I was playing and not actually doing so. But then marching band was for a grade and we HAD to do it, as well as play at games for most of the sports, and if we didn't meet a certain quota, well...We didn't pass band. Which sucked because that ended up meaning that I had to quite dancing (another music-involved love of my life). We moved to Virginia just before my junior year and I found out what REAL marching
Me and my mom at senior night
(which is when the seniors from
band, football, and cheer are
recognized on the field)
was. And let me tell you, marching at EVERY football game and going to MARCHING BAND COMPETITIONS!!!!!! SO MUCH FREAKING FUN!!!! I've played two real shows: Baseball and Pirates!, both of which I LOVED! I've made a ton of close friendships through my second marching band and have actually gotten to be a better musician from it. We also marched in a parade, but it's the town's Christmas parade. That is also fun! We get to wear Santa hats and decorate our instruments. I'd never had so much fun and regretted so little while untangling tinsel from something. Now, THIS band camp was INSANE!!! Not only did we practice almost every day after school, we'd practice for a few weeks BEFORE SCHOOL EVEN STARTED!!!! What made it the most fun was that it was something most everyone there wanted to do. Marching band isn't a grade in class, but a fun volunteer extra-curricular activity! It was hot and a lot of hard work, but it paid off, let me tell you! Our show was AMAZING! (If you want to see it, go to my Blah "Marching Mania Moves into Motion Once More" because I embedded the YouTube video at the bottom of it as an after thought. :D The links to all my Blahs are at the bottom of this page, for the record, if you're too lazy to look through the archive, and this one is numero 20. XD)
Me (wearing my Baseball marching cap haha!) practicing
for the Pirates! show during band camp. 
At the first college I attended, I was also in the band. However, it's a military band, so we marched at the core parades, as well as the parades in town and the St. Patrick's Day parade in New York, and a few other events (such as the inauguration parade for the governor of Virginia). We didn't do shows like I'm used 
to, and we had just started a pep band, but very little actually came of it, and the school parades were extremely monotonous. But, it was something different so it was interesting at the same time. The band pretty much won for the large platoons every parade. I honestly really like the uniform, too. If I didn't think it would kill me, I might have joined. I think the most fun thing about the band was that there are students in it who are both in the program as well as traditional students. It's a really good way to encourage communication, collaboration, and friendship between the two. So, I had a couple of good friends all over campus thanks to it. 

Speaking of campus, let me tell you about my favorite thing about it: 

The snow. 

This is Mr. Snowman. He was taller than me. We made him on
a fabulous snow day freshman year. Never ended up making one
sophomore year, saddly..... 
Some people may know this, some may not, but I grew up in Minnesota. Where is snows. A LOT. Since moving to Virginia (and now living in North Carolina like I do), snow comes rare. So, winters on campus in the Virginia mountains were pretty fun. I was able to go sledding (we had a massive hill), build this snowman, and do things like dig a fort in snow piled up by snowplow. (I hadn't done that since I was probably ten.) Now, moving back to Minnesota isn't an option, really. As much as I love the snow, there are two seasons up there: winter and summer. There is OCCASIONALLY spring, but, when it snows on October 1st, or even earlier sometimes, it ruins and skips over my favorite season.

Yes, autumn. "Why is this?", you ask. Well, there are many, many reasons. Having an October birthday is definitely one that can't be ignored. You also have things like pumpkin pie (that's about as far as my pumpkin obsession goes, if you don't include carving them or pumpkin poptarts or Starbucks pumpkin chai latte because that is the best dang latte I have ever consumed....), the stunning colors in the trees, and of 
My make-shift zambie costume
which consists of a T-shirt I had lying
around, some absolutely torn up jeans,
WAY too much makeup, and so serious
hair destruction.
course, Halloween. (Halloween is best holiday. Just sayin'.) Now, I'm not one for watching movies that make it hard to sleep at night or go into haunted and/or creepy places, or even go into a haunted house or maze by myself. (Not including the year I participated in one. Scared the crap out of lots of people, which was an absolute blast!) I am, however, one who will probably go crazy with decorations, if you'll let me, and who gets mad if you even mention the idea of *hisses* Christmas *hisses* before Thanksgiving. (I do love Christmas, it's a close second to Halloween, but, please, people THERE ARE TWO HOLIDAYS THAT HAPPEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS. PLEASE DON'T PUT UP CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS UNTIL BLACK FRIDAY I MEAN MY GOODNESS!!!)

Links to my Blahs:
  1. Edition 1: Warning to the Readers!
  2. Turtle Talk
  3. Pedicures, Pictrures, and Down-Pours
  4. Bleeding Love
  5. Why My Friends are My Friends!
  6. The Best Wedding Presents
  7. Me? ADD? No....
  9. Card Games and Hurricanes
  10. Wedding Prep
  11. The Insanity That Follows...
  12. Marching Band
  13. October!!!!!
  14. Ever Wonder.....?
  15. Happy New Blahg!
  16. Friday the 13th
  18. Time
  19. The Start of the Started When I Made The Daily Blah...
  20. Marching Mania Moves into Motion Once More!
  21. Woof
  22. WHY, RAIN, WHY?!?!
  23. King's Dominion
  24. Overview and Apology
  25. Tying up Loose Ends
  26. Honorary Honors
  27. Beautiful Mistakes
  28. The First Time I Set Foot on a Stage
  29. Something Somber
  30. A Little Celeblahtion
  31. Controversial
  32. Twinsters
  33. Happy Birthday, Neighbors!
  34. Addicted
  36. Mad for Mike
  37. Beaching it up
  38. Tiny Tim? Not MY Turtle...
  39. Chemistry!!!
  40. Confessions of a Brony
  41. Boldly Baldwin
  42. A Gradu....What?!?!
  43. Hetalia
  44. Why I Should Have Been Born a Potato....
  45. Journalism-ing
  46. Hey Howdie Hey!
  47. Cupid and His Reflections
  48. And a Half
  49. On Eating and Dining
  50. An update...

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