Okay, okay, I know...It's sad that I'm a Brony. (Or Pegasister for those who insist that Brony is not a unisex term.) I am totally OBSESSED with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (RAINBOW DASH ALL THE WAY FTW!!!)
Now, granted, my little sister does know far more about the series than I, seeing as she watches it on YouTube daily, and my little brother knows more about the MLP:FiM fandom than I do. And, although none of us have been watching from the start, we've pretty much seen every episode (and the movie Equestria Girls) from the beginning to now.
For those of you who are wondering, YES WE'RE SUPER EXCITED FOR SEASON FOUR!!! I'm kinda peeved, though, because Derpy and Doctor Whoves won't be included as much, AND they hinted at Flash Sentry having a relationship with Twilight Sparkle in Equestria Girls, and they totally AREN'T including him in season four!!! WHAT IS WITH THAT?!?!?!?!
Ahem. Anyways....
For those of you who are wondering, YES WE'RE SUPER EXCITED FOR SEASON FOUR!!! I'm kinda peeved, though, because Derpy and Doctor Whoves won't be included as much, AND they hinted at Flash Sentry having a relationship with Twilight Sparkle in Equestria Girls, and they totally AREN'T including him in season four!!! WHAT IS WITH THAT?!?!?!?!
Ahem. Anyways....
I don't know why Rainbow Dash is my favorite. All of the other fillies and colts are awesome, too.
Apple Jack is an honest hard-working pony who also does everything she can for her friends, family, and farm. She almost always tells the truth (hence, her element is honesty) and generally tries to do it in a nice way. Unless she's having an argument with Rarity. Then things get pretty nasty. I honestly find it rather amusing that she tries to sell apples (or apple treats of all sorts) almost any where she goes. Be it in the middle of Ponyville, at a Canterlot Wedding, or during the Grand Galloping Gala. And it somehow works out for her quite well...
Now, the generosity element surprises me at times. Rarity doesn't come off as the most generous pony around unless she's fully showing it. For example, when she was making everypony's dresses for the Gala. Or, yea, when they actually got their elements and she CUT OFF HER OWN TAIL. WHY WOULD ANYPONY DO THAT?? HERS IS WAY TOO PRETTY FOR THAT!!! I guess that it all worked out, though, seeing as she got it back. There are other times when she appears to be the most selfish of the group, as well. Like when they went to Cloudsdale for the Best Young Fliers Competition....I'm sorry to say that I laughed when her wings fried. Yes, I panicked when she was falling, but, Rainbow saved her so it's all good. And she's always supportive and helpful to her friends when she wants (and isn't too busy thinking about herself lol).
I like how Fluttershy is pretty much always sweet and very good at holding her tongue when she doesn't have nice things to say. She's there for her friends (both pony and animal kind alike) and is willing to help anypony or any animal in need. (Okay, they're ALL always there for their friends!!!) Granted, that DOES get her into trouble sometimes- *cough* Philomena *cough* -but she always has the best intentions when she does. It's no wonder why her Element of Harmony is kindness.
Pinkie Pie never ceases to make me laugh. Nor my little brother or sister. And from the beginning nopony can ever doubt her element: laughter. Pinkamena (and all the fanart I've seen of her) tends to scare me a bit seeing as she's totally nutzo, but that isn't the Pinkie we all know and love so we'll get back to her. I love the final scene in Equestria Girls when she comes randomly swinging through the screen screaming ALICORN PARTAAAAYYYYYY!!! Hahahaha! It makes me so happy and I laugh every time! I don't think there has been a single episode where Pinkie hasn't done something to make me laugh...Unless she isn't in the episode, but that doesn't count.
In comparison with the other elements, I really don't understand Twilight Sparkle's. All of the other elements are parts of friendship, and I really don't think that there is any magic to it. That being said, it really does fit Twilight quite a lot. She has some pretty powerful magic, that pony. I love Twilight's intuition. She tends to know when things are off more often than the others and, even though she isn't always the most gentle at expressing them, tells everypony what she thinks when it comes to that. I love her imagination when it comes to other things, such as Fluttershy getting thrown into a dungeon in the place she was banished to or her having to go back to Magic Kindergarten for missing one letter. In both Ponyville and Canterlot High, she's very good at bringing people together and forming tight bonds of friendship. (I really hope that the girls made friends with the real human Twilight Sparkle...It would have been a nice addition...Just saying...) The only lesson I need to pull from Twilight is her dedication to her studies....That will be me (though maybe not to that extent) this upcoming semester and every semester after that. Okay, back to MLP.
And then there's Rainbow Dash. The loyal one. No matter what, be it during a competition, battle, or before she got her cutie mark, Rainbow was always there to help her friends and would stick to them no matter what. I love that about her. She also makes me smile with her awesomeness. Everything needs to be at least 20% cooler when you're around her. XD He obsession with books (even though she doesn't want anypony to know) is pretty cute. He imagination is allowed to run completely wild, and I love that. It made me really happy when she chose Tank the turtle as her pet. Mostly because of my Sveny Sven but oh well. Something in common with the best flier in Equestria is fun to have. I kind of wish she would take Scootaloo on as a little sister. Not only would it probably help her find her cutie mark, it would give them both some kind of family during the show.
It seems to me that all the other ponies have a family of some sort except for Rainbow. Twilight has her brother, parents, Princess Celestia, and Spike. Apple Jack's family is constantly involved in the series. Rarity has her little sister all the time, and Pinkie Pie has the Cake family. Fluttershy's family is the group of animals that constantly surrounds her (although her family isn't ever really mentioned, either...), and then there's Rainbow Dash. Tank isn't in the series very often, and she doesn't really have anyone but her friends. So, I think it'd be good for her (and Scootaloo) to take on the little filly as a sibling. (Anyone else agree?)
Now, I like all the other fillies and colts, too. Big Mac surprise me whenever he says anything more than "eeyup" and "nope" like he did in Ponyville Confidential and Hearts and Hooves Day. (For the record, that last episode actually freaked me out quite a bit when he spoke....) I also love the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're just so dang cute!!! And...well...I actually like most of the characters haha!
Now, here's something fun. I took a quiz to find out what my cutie mark would be. (<link link link link lol) Surprise surprise, mine is a music note. It's actually a pretty good quiz and I recommend that you guys try it! My brother and sister have both already taken it. I don't remember his, but I know my little sister had the flower.
I like most of the episode and I think the lessons they so clearly put forth are ones everyone should learn, even if you aren't a MLP fan. They're spelled out in a letter at the end of each episode, so you can easily pick up on them. Each episode leaves you with a bit of food-for-thought in my opinion....So, watch an episode or two. Give it a try. My Little Pony isn't just for kids or girls any more. And everypony will be able to take something from it.
Hannah Haugen
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