Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Now Where's That Pot 'O Gold....

So Blahggers, I FINALLY got a job. I successfully avoided my standard of no McDonalds or similar fast food restaraunts and got a job at....a machine shop. Yeah.

But really, its not bad. So I sit on a stool all day and spray off parts with an air hose. And hey, I get $10 bucks an hour. Yeah buddy.

The one bad thing is, it's as boring as all get out. So what do I think about? Well, my boyfriend of  course! :P

Say WHAT? A BOY? Yeup. Roy G. Biv is his name and I've been day dreaming about him since 9th grade. What a catch. He's handsome, nice, loves God, a little lofty sometimes and...ok he's made up.

I made up Roy G. Biv as a joke one day and he's kinda been hanging around ever since. Throuhout the years I have had adventures up the wazoo with this kid. We've travelled to the moon, he's saved me from aliens, you name it. Just..he will for some reason not tell me his middle name!! What a weirdo.

No, I'm not desperate,  just a little insane....

Madelaine Smith
The "Mad" Musician


  1. Wait....I thought Roy was a giant chicken from the moon.......WHEN DID HE BECOME A HUMAN????

  2. What? He was never a chicken. He may have gotten turned INTO a chicken at one point, most unfortunately, but he was originally human. ;)

    1. ....Oh....I just remember our adventure on the moon when he was a giant man-eating chicken...That was terrifying, man, you should have been keeping him on a leash...
