Saturday, June 8, 2013

Honorary Honors

'Sup, my blahgging Blahggers?

Today was a rather eventful Saturday. Much better than last Saturday. Last Saturday I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. This week has been a a real pain. No pun intended. But I liked this Saturday. I slept in. Which is a beautiful thing. Because it hasn't been happening for me much lately.

Anyways, today started out with errands, of course. Cashed my last three checks and bought a cake for today's Band Awards Picnic. People with last names beginning with the letters A through J were in charge of desserts, so I bought a chocolate cake and had them put blue and yellow music notes all over it. (My school colors are blue and yellow, by the way.) We played basketball, (others played Frisbee, catch, lacrosse, etc.) ate food, got our letters and certificates, and wished out retiring band directer a fond and loving farewell.

This year I lettered in marching and got my honor band and grade 6 band medals. I lettered last year, too, but didn't ever get them because I didn't go to the picnic. I regret so now, because I don't actually have my big letter, just the little strip that says "MARCHING". I'm going to see if I can still get one, though, because I kind of want a letter jacket....

Anyways, after the picnic I went home and got annoyed with my room so I started rearranging the stuff on my walls and taping up the most recent things I've done for the school paper. (Everything I've done that got published the last two years is plastered onto my wall and the back of my bedroom door.) I"m currently finishing doing so and also rearranging the clutter in my room because right now it's just annoying me.

Do you ever have that happen to you? You just can't stand the way a room looks, but you can't move the furniture, so you just move everything on TOP of the furniture? That's me right about now....And before I went to work.

Well, my room is STILL annoying me so I'm going to get back to it!

Hannah Haugen
The Daily Blahgger

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