Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The World Needs People who are Alive

Hey Blahggers!
Live those lives! Like the title says, the world needs people who are alive. By that, I mean both literally and figuratively, of course. So...don't be going all zombie on me. THAT'S not what the world needs. Unless...well, I'll get to that later.

One factor in the US economy is actually population. If the US population goes down, so will the economy. This is actually why we need immigration, because due to the birth and death rates in the US right now, without immigration, the population (and therefore economy) would decline. That's literally why you have to stay alive. Buttttt...that's boring stuff right there, numbers and all. Lets move on to figuratively!

The world needs people who are alive in their jobs. As the speaker at my graduation said last year, "don't do what the world needs, do what makes you feel alive. That's what the world needs." So, if you feel alive when you count numbers and line them up all nice and neatlike in excel, by all means, go into accounting. But for heaven's sake don't do that if you're just in it to make money. You'll have money, sure, but you'll be sick and tired and grumpy and just plain yuck.

Sometimes I feel like an awful hypocrite when advising on this topic. Many of my friends at school are very musical and they have gone through mini crises when they realize that music majors don't have a whole lot of job opportunities. What do I tell them? Stick with music. It's what you love! But honestly, I'm in the same boat. I love music and sometimes I wonder if I'm just taking the elementary ed route because of the money. Because I KNOW I'll have a job. I don't really know the answer to that question.

Here's one thing I do know: if you are willing to try to succeed and become the best at whatever you do, if you have the driving passion to do something then do it. Even if it's a theater major...

So. Moral of the story is this: do what you love, love what you do, and they will love you. If being a zombie is what makes you feel alive, then by all means, do it?.. (in a safe venue. DO NOT get shot. You probably shouldn't zombify the streets. You have been warned.). might have to find another job to supplement. One where you ix-nay the zombie make up...

Madelaine Smith
The Mad Musician

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