Friday, June 21, 2013

What in the Blue Blazes is THAT Supposed to Mean?

Oh for Pete's sake, blahggers! I just can't  for the life of me, understand these phrases!  Where on God's green Earth did they even come from?

Maybe I should dig into this subject a little deeper....
Phrases are funny things. We say them, but have you ever actually thought about what you're saying? One example that has been bugging me of late is "fork it over". What? where did that come from?? So, I decided to make stuff up. Yayyyy!

I've decided that fork it over started when two robbers broke into a house and went straight for the silverware.

"Pst! You! It's over here!"
"No I grabbed it already. It's MINE."
"Hey! Fork it over!"

Or maybe there were two farmers who got into a dispute about their land. They stood by the fence and yelled insults at eachother while waving their pitchforks around.

"ExCUSE me? I clearly settled this here land long before your sorry self even decided to leave New York."
"Don't you ever mention New York to me again! It is DEAD to me! *sniff* My heart is here, farmin the land"
"Oh yeah? Well, I have 13 chickens and 2 pigs more than you. And by the way, fork over that hay bale. It's mine."

Perhaps a little (ok way) far-fetched, but...wait a second. Far fetched? Where did that come from?

Or how about:
-Tuckered out
-Out of the Blue
-Hashed out
-To flesh out

Who knows. What I DO know is that there is an actual name for that little strip of paper coming out of your Hershey's kiss. That name is "niggly-wiggly". Dude.

Mandolin Smith
The Mad Musician

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