I really am terribly sorry for the delay in the newest Blah. For, as you know, today is the fifteenth of October. September was filled with school starting insanity, marching band madness, and a long, uneventful search for my lost mind...
All students know of the work load that is piled upon our very busy scheduel. I'm suprised that more of us haven't had the straw to break out backs yet. I mean, it's only the second month of school, and I'm already exhausted!
Is it sad that I've already started the countdown to summer break? There's 164 school days, 257 total days, until the first day of summer break. (That is...if we don't have any snow days...then the total will change...)
It's really hard when you're taking honors courses. I'm taking honors world history, and honors English 11, plus journalism, band, Video Tech II, Spanish III, chemistry, and Algebra III/Trig. (Ick...I hate math!!!!!) Homework load: incrediable. Block scheduel: gives a lot of time to do the work in class, thank goodness!!! (Plus, half the homework that I would have have with a period scheduel!!)
Marching band adds on to that work load like any other extra-cirricular would. Immediately after school Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I head down to the band room to start warming up and to talk with my Marching Band Mafia memebers while I still have a chance.
So, at 2:30 PM we start practice. Most days we get a 1-5 (depending on how good we're doing) minute water break...sometimes we don't get any....but we end practice around 5 PM, and get home at about half past. That gives me about half an hour to do homework before dinner.
Unless I'm cooking...then I have to get right on it. I barely have time to think, never mind blahg! So, with things finaly starting to settly down, I WILL be blahgging more and try to keep the Blahs daily!
Happy October, everyone!
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