Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ever wonder....?

      'Ello Blahggers!
      Hmmm...Ever wonder why thoughts happen?  Seems they've been happening to me a lot lately...Lots of different thoughts....For example...Why have I never witnessed the turtle eat, yet he is still living?

Saturday, October 15, 2011


      Hello, blahggers!
      I really am terribly sorry for the delay in the newest Blah.  For, as you know, today is the fifteenth of October.  September was filled with school starting insanity, marching band madness, and a long, uneventful search for my lost mind...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Marching Band

        Ever gone to a football game?  Well, if you've ever been in high school, I would hope that you have.  You spend your time talking with friends and watching the game.  Ever paid attention to the background noise?  Like, the band?  During half time, do you get up to get a hot dog or watch them march across the field in amazing patterns?  When you do watch, does it cross your mind how hard they worked on it?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Insanity That Follows...

        My dear readers! I am sooooooooooooo sorry that there have been a few days in between "daily" see, now that the wedding is over and done with, there was clean up, travel back home, settling back at home (seeing as I, myself, haven't been here for over a week) and new school stuff, such as orientation and open house.  I'm just going to say now that my school is overwhelmingly HUGE!  Atleast, bigger than I'm used to...Anyways, back on topic.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wedding Prep

        For those of you who've read previous posts, you'll know that my mom's wedding was supposed to be today at a patio garden place.  Well, due to Hurricane Irene, the place and caterers canceled and many people can't make it now.  So, it was decided that the wedding would be held at my grandparents' house outside in the garden, and the reception inside.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Card Games and Hurricanes

        I'm playing card games with all my step-siblings. So far, we've played BS, Spoons, and Old Maid. Since we're in the middle of a hurricane, it's pretty much all we can do.


        Okay...Maybe the title is slightly dramatic...I can't beat this one dungeon on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.  Eventually, kids are going to ask, "What's that?" and I'm going to have a heart-attack from shock.  Old fashion, I know. I'm the teenager who still plays the oldest versions of Nintendo games.  But so what? ZELDA RULES!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Me? ADD? No....

        We went to Party City on a mission today: Cake cutter/server and some decor for the wedding.  I was on track for about thirty seconds...Did I get distracted? Come on, people, it's Party City!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Best Wedding Presents

        Hey there!  My mom's wedding is this Saturday.  She's having it in Wilmington, North Carolina; we've been planning and preparing for months.  Everyone has been buying gifts for her and her fiance.  Normally, when you think of wedding gifts, you think curtains, sheets, pillows, dishes, silverware, etc.  Well, her gifts now include tornadoes  earthquakes, and a hurricane!  That's right, Mother Nature has a splendid idea for the most esteemed of days.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Why My Friends are My Friends!

        I love my crazy, weird, insane, hilarious, random, and amazing friends!  Like I said, they're fun and hilarious!  As my grandmother says, "Your friends are crazy! They're nuts! YOUR ALL NUTS!"  (She said this after watching the video shown below.)  Two of them, Alice and Jade, got together to make Lame Co.  Their YouTube page? Your Three Headed Lesbian Father, or as they like to call it, your3headleasdad.  (Again, I love my friends!)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bleeding Love

        Doughnuts....why are they so delicious and cheaper by the dozen?!?!?!?!  My favorite Doughnut place of all times is Britt's Doughnuts on Wilmington, North Carolina's board walk.  SO FREAKING YUMMY AND AMAZING!!!!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pedicures, Pictures, and Down-Pours

        Curious about the title? Today was...odd....starting with pedicures, then pictures, and ending in pouring rain and a lot of VERY loud thunder. (Which really scared my small six-year-old sister.)  Odd string of events? Yes. Reason? Kind of.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Turtle Talk

        Did you know, that in China Town, Chicago (Illinois, USA) you can buy baby turtles (and small carrying cage) for only $10?  If you buy two in one cage it's only $18!  Food for $3!!!!!  When I say 'baby turtles' I mean with egg tooth! (For those of you that don't know, the egg tooth is what they use to break out of their shells and it usually goes away within a month...turtle fact of the day #1.) And they sell them in practically every shop!

        How do I know this?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Edition 1: Warning to the Readers

Dear Readers, Future Readers, Scanners, Spammers, and Followers,
       This is your one and only warning! I say what I think, and feel what I feel. I have my opinions, and they're very real. From time to time, I may speak in rhyme, and please don't get mad 'cause I'm not ALL that bad.

        Lol. My little poem to start out. Hi. GuardianSakura's the name, blogging's my NEW game! The blog isn't specific to anything, in fact, it may eventually be about everything! So, my warning is, that if you can't handle it, or are simply going to give (non-constructive) criticism, that I don't want you hanging around The Daily Blah!  Or, as so many wise men (and mothers) have said, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say anything at all." If that's the case, READ ON, SILENT ONES! And have fun mocking me privately. =)

        Thanks a lot to everyone who's taking the time to read The Daily Blah! Hope you enjoy it!

(The Daily Blahgger)