Hello there, Blahggers!
First off, I wanted to offer my sincere apologies for the complete and utter disregard I've had towards the Daily Blah since my last post, despite my promise to update more often.
This year has been CRAZY between the job that I got at Vinny's Italian Grill, my classwork, preparing for college, life's normal dramas, extra curricular activities, and a whole bunch of other things.
My job at Vinny's is pretty fun. :) I make enough money to live off of and still have some left over. I don't get many tips as a cashier, but I don't mind that at all. The risk of me dumping soup on my customers is far too great for me to risk and go after the tips of a server. Besides, they don't make nearly as much per paycheck as I do. My coworkers are great. Some REALLY funny things are always happening behind the scenes. There has been drama, yes, but that's life. Granted, I do have a few problems with my job (one being that I am not allowed to sit down at all the entire time I'm there), but no matter where you go or what job you have, there are going to be SOME things you don't like about it.
My class-load has been INSANE this year. My school goes by a block schedule, so I have four classes a day (an hour and a half each) and a total of eight classes.
My first class on X-days was math analysis (also known as pre-calculus.) Math is not my forte. At all. ESPECIALLY not right away in the morning. I actually took that final exam this morning, so I won't be going back into that classroom again. My teacher was really nice and her life is positively HILARIOUS. It's just the whole math thing. Haha! One of my good friends sat next to me in this class, though, so lots of good times were had!
Block two on X-days was US/VA government. This was a class that I both enjoyed and loathed attending at the same time. Depending on the day, our teacher could either be hilarious, clueless, or just plain annoying. The work and workload was really easy and pretty basic, so I'm proud to say that I don't have to attend that exam. My almost-perfect attendance record (I was sick one day this year. Very very proud!!!) and good grades got me out off that one! Met and made a really good friend this year and we had a lot of good talks and support sessions and laughs when we made fun of our nutty teacher.
Three-X has been amazing as it was my AP chemistry class. Way too much to say about AP chem in one post so I'll save that for later.
As for 4-X, well, that was my music class. Wind Ensemble. Band is great. I play the trumpet, as you may know, and I LOVE IT!!! Band class, however, is a totally different story....Our director is loopy and hilarious. There are those kids who don't want to be there and make life a living H-E-Double-hockey-stick when they....well...actually pretty much every day. I love the music aspect though. Our pieces are challenging, but once you get 'em, you GOT 'em! And they sound so cool! I bought what's called a Harmon Mute for one of our songs and it makes an uber cool OO-AH sound! Haha!
Next day I start out with my 1-Y class: AP literature and composition. I like English, don't get me wrong, but it's been a tough one this year. That's mostly due to my extreme laziness and the insanity of the workload. I'm working hard on getting that grade up haha! The teacher is nice and funny but many people don't like her because she PILES on work. You get one big project one day and the next (while you're working on that first project) she gives you a freaking essay that you have to do. This was another great-friend-in-class time.
Spanish IV was for 2-Y. Not a fun class. Everyone in it (save one REALLY annoying person) was great. Another class with a really heavy workload and a nice teacher. But I would have seriously KILLED for BOOK WORK. I usually enjoy Spanish class, but I was BORED OUT OF MY MIND this year!
Three-Y was once again AP chem. It's a double block so I had the same class, same kids, same teacher every day. And I LOVED it! We got so close! Again, saving the rest for another post. :)
My final class, 4-Y, was journalism III! ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVES THIS YEAR! So much work, such good friends, one incredible teacher, so much fun! Another class that I'll have to save for another post because I have far too much to say about it. XD
I applied to three colleges and have been working quite a bit for scholarships, application stuff, and everything else. I got accepted to all three, and have decided on attending Mary Baldwin College. The mascot is Gladys the Squirrel (I feel like I've downgraded slightly...I went from being a Spartan, to an Indian....to a Squirrel....Whatever I think it's awesome!!) and my class colors are lavender and white. My move-in day is August 27 and I have a summer orientation some time before then, so you guys will be hearing a lot more about it as time goes on. :)
I will not bore you with my life's dramas, don't worry. So I'm skipping that part. Haha!
Extra-curriculars mostly included working on the school paper. These last few weeks I've been working super hard and staying after as often as I could so we could get our final issue - the Senior Issue - out in time. It's exhausting, especially on days that I get up, drive to school, stay after, go straight to work, get home between 9:10 and 9:45 at night, walking the dog, and going to bed. Yea. I'm exhausted.
Now, I'm introducing a few changes to the Daily Blah: I'm introducing some new Blahggers! Three of my very good friends are going to be joining my Blahg family and posting with me! This is to help ensure that there is at least one post every night. Some night even three. I'm hoping to expand the Blahg family by continuing to employ friends so I hope you will all keep reading and keep up! They're all great and I, for one, am very excited to read their Blahs!
As always, keep cool and keep blahgging!
GuardianSakura - from now on signing off as Hannah Haugen
The Daily Blahgger
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