Dear blahggers,
Isabel (aka Latin fire) has pointed out in her blah that her views are very secular and liberal. There's nothing wrong with that...but I am the COMPLETE opposite. I also seriously like to argue.
My views are pretty straightforward: low taxes, low government interference in our lives and God is the ruler of everything. If you'd like to know what I think about on more specific issues, either a) read the Bible, or, b) watch blimey cow videos on youtube. Here's the link to my favorite:
Messy Mondays: the one about bad words
I hereby apologize in advance for any wars that may start, cities that may blow up, or ear drums that may shatter.
Mandolin Smith
The Mad Musician
Now, this is going to be interesting, indeed....I may very well just put up another page and let you two loose on it. ;) We'll have to see, won't we....