Well, my second day of exams is officially over. Seniors take their exams before everyone else in my school, so the underclassmen haven't started testing yet and are, or should be, still in school. After exams, seniors can just up and leave, which I did. There are only two exams in a day and today was 3-Y and 2-Y. Seeing as I was exempt from my AP chem final because I took the AP TEST a month or so ago, I just went into the room and helped her clean. It was actually a good time. I DID, however, have to take my Spanish final.
I have no fears about how I did, because I know I did great. The exam was one essay that we had to write comparing some music videos in Spanish from native artists of Spanish-speaking countries, and then answer a few questions about what I though about the music and, for the final question, what my future plans are. She wanted us to write at least 200, so I ended up writing about 465. Haha! I'm good at writing way too much in Spanish class. And now, half of my exams are over.
It feels really strange for everything to be coming to a close so soon. These past four years of my high school career have flown by far faster than anticipated...And, really, much faster than I wanted them to...To be perfectly honest, these past few days I've felt this little wish bubbling inside me...I kind of, sort of wish that high school would last just a bit longer.
Trials and personal life tragedies aside, I've actually really liked high school. Here I've kindled some of the best friendships I'll ever have! Between my friends back in Minnesota, to the ones here in Virginia that I've only known for almost two years, I have some pretty amazing friendships and really close ties. Even just this year, I've met people in my classes (like journalism and AP chem) whom I'd never known or heard from before, and here I am with friendships that are going to last me a LIFETIME. It's pretty amazing.
Now, even if you paid me all the money in the world, I wouldn't go back to relive all the drama in school, confusion with who I was, who I am, and who I'm becoming, and the hard hits below the belt that have knocked me to the ground countless times. I love my amazing friends for catching me before I could fall too far and supporting me through everything. Those weak moments are what show you who your true friends are. And I tell you what, I have quite the support system, as do my friends.
I try to be there for them when they need me, if it means listening, holding them, giving advice, or just sitting with them when they cry. Helping people brings me a greater joy than pretty much anything else ever could. Which I why I've chosen the path for my future that I have.
I want to major in psychology. I want to become a counselor. When I went to counseling a few years ago, my counselor helped me out so much, and I found that my week went down the tubes if I had to skip an appointment with her. If I can help people like that for the rest of my life, I'm going to be the luckiest and happiest person on this planet.
Before I do that, though, I'm going to have to go through college. But very first, I have to finish up at high school.
The title of this post is "Tying Up Loose Ends." That means finishing off high school and leaving it behind. Right?
What that means to me is finishing what I have to in order to continue to better myself in my near and far future. "Tying up loose ends" doesn't mean coming to a completely close and leaving everything behind. It means moving on to something greater, and carrying everything with you as you go along. I see it as tying ends together to make one long string or a huge intricate web. I'm saying goodbye to my friends, but it won't be the last time. And I will be saying hello again as often as I can!
The ends I'm "tying up" and "tying together" are going to stick with me. And I'm not letting go. As I continue to journey through life, my friends are going to stay near and dear to me, even as I gain new ones, and I'll be talking to them so much that it'll be like we never went separate ways. I'm tying it all together, and I will be until the day I die.
My web of "loose ends" that have been tied up is tied to the webs of so many other people. And it makes up a gigantic net of all the connections we've ever made. And I couldn't be any more luck or thankful for what I have. I'm tying those ends so they stay tied to me. Because these are the friends that I'm going to have for the rest of time. And I wouldn't have it any other way. <3
Hannah Haugen
The Daily Blahgger
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