Saturday, April 5, 2014

Duck Tape Fixes ALLLL the Things!!!

"Hey!" Suggested Hannah, our dear friend, the daily blahgger. "You should do a post on duck tape!!"

Ooohkay...I thought. THIS should be fun. I get to not only talk about why "duck tape" is super handy,  but also yell at everyone that it's FREAKING DUCT TAPE. NOT DUCK TAPE.

Turns out I was wrong.

"Duck" tape, was first made during WWII and came in army green. You know, for camouflage & stuff? It was later called duct tape and turned gray/silver and was used for pipe work and stuff. There's actually a really interesting back story about it all..( the link if you care...)  Here's where I found this info

Duct/Duck tape is basically a very strong, cloth-backed, water proof tape.  Now it is officially called "Duct Tape" but "Duck Tape" is a certain brand that makes the tape in all sorts of cool colors and patterns. In my experience it hasn't been as sticky as the "normal" duct tape, but I could have just gotten a bad roll.

BUT that aside, what really is it useful for? I mean, my sister makes shoes out of it sometimes...but is it only used for eccentric women's fashion? Nahh....there's A LOT you can do with duct/duck tape. Here's a list. (I'm channeling my inner Buzzfeed.)

1. Make shoes
Photo: deviantART
Not gonna lie that might be a liiiiiiiitttttlle above my range of artistic abilities.

2. Make a Halloween Costume

3. Tape up any folder/binder/notebook
Photo: Busy Bee Stitchery
That's pretty Wicked. (ha).

4. Spice up any picture frame!

5. Make this thing:
Photo: Craft Snob
I don't actually know what it is, but I guess it looks cool.

6. Get ready for Christmas
Actually, this kind of looks like a Dalek...

7. Get ready for Valentine's day
Mmm...smell the sweet aroma

8. Thanksgiving?

9. Shut people up
You know the ones.

10. Oh, and of course, fix any problem ever. Duh. 
What I have concluded from this:
10% duct tape is cool
90% I could totes be a Buzzfeed writer

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